Your IT Degree with a Career Boost

Want more than just coding skills? At HPI, you'll get the complete package for your career in the digital world: top-notch IT education and the essential soft skills that make you a sought-after IT professional. Whether pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree, our Professional Skills program will prepare you for success.

Your Advantage
With the Professional Skills from HPI, you'll be well-prepared for the demands of the working world. You'll develop your strengths and become a sought-after IT professional.

Be There and Expand Your Horizons
Learn more about our Professional Skills program and discover how you can take your career to the next level!

What are Professional Skills?

Professional skills are the competencies that make you indispensable in the workplace. We strengthen your innovative thinking, problem-solving abilities, and entrepreneurial mindset. 

You'll learn to work in teams, stay curious, and adapt to new challenges. We also provide you with the necessary ethical and legal knowledge to shape the digital society responsibly.

Professional Skills at HPI

  • Hands-on Seminars: Learn in small groups from experienced professionals and coaches.
  • Interdisciplinary Lectures: Broaden your horizons beyond computer science and learn from HPI professors, staff and other renowned experts.
  • Inspiring Talks at the Professional Skills Colloquium: Meet top experts and fascinating personalities who will share their experiences and open up new perspectives. The range of topics is wide: from sustainable IT to work-life balance and teamwork to tips for a convincing presentation. You'll get insights into real-world practices. You can ask questions and exchange ideas with other students.

Bachelor's: Become an IT Pros

In the Bachelor's program, you'll learn to solve IT problems holistically, develop innovative solutions, and work successfully in interdisciplinary teams. You can choose your focus areas and create your own personalized skill set. Participation in the colloquium is mandatory. You'll attend at least ten lectures of your choice and reflect on what you've heard in a portfolio.

Your Professional Skills in the bachelor's degree programs

  1. Law for IT Professionals: Understand the legal foundations of the IT world (e.g., data protection, copyright, contracts) and learn how to minimize legal risks.
  2. Business Basics: Learn how businesses work, develop your business acumen, and learn how to implement business ideas successfully.
  3. Design Thinking: Become an innovation pro! Develop creative solutions to complex problems and learn to design user-centric products and services.
  4. Your Choice: Deepen your skills in presentation techniques, learning strategies, diversity competence, or technical English.
  5. Project Management: Master the planning, execution, and control of IT projects and learn to work successfully in international teams.

24 credit points | 3 compulsory modules | 2 compulsory elective modules | Professional Skills Colloquium

Portrait of Teamlead Admissions and Program Management Johanna Schulz

At HPI, we teach our students not only technical knowledge, but also the soft skills and professional skills they will need in their careers to specialize and make a difference in the world.

Johanna Schulz, Organizer of the Professional Skills Program / Teamlead Admissions and Program Management

Master's: Lead the Digital Transformation

In the Master's program, you'll deepen your skills and prepare for leadership positions in business and academia or for starting your own company. You'll develop your leadership qualities and learn to make strategic decisions. In the Master's program, the colloquium is not mandatory, but you're welcome to attend and be inspired.

Your Professional Skills in the master's degree programs

  1. Ethics & Law in IT: Critically examine the impact of technology on society and learn to make ethically responsible decisions.
  2. Design Thinking: Become an innovation driver! Develop disruptive solutions and shape the future of the digital world.
  3. Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Discover the entrepreneur in you! Learn how to develop and successfully implement innovative business ideas.
  4. Management & Leadership: Lead teams and projects to success! Develop your leadership skills and learn to make strategic decisions.
  5. Communication in Tech: Communicate your IT knowledge clearly to different audiences – whether in presentations, technical articles, or online.

Up to 18 credit points | Up to 2 compulsory modules | Up to 5 elective modules


Portrait of Teamlead Admissions and Program Management Johanna Schulz

Johanna Schulz

Teamlead Admissions and Program Management

Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-4808

Portrait of Head of System Analysis and Modeling Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

Prof. Dr. Holger Giese

Student Advisor

Phone: +49 331 5509-366


Last change: 20/09/2024, Geronimo Förster