Our mission: Strengthening Europe's digital sovereignty

At the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), we strive to promote Europe's digital sovereignty. We want to achieve this through excellent research and teaching in the field of computer science. With our work, we are helping Europe to actively and self-determinedly shape the digital future.

Our founding idea 

The HPI was founded on a simple idea: only an excellent education in systems engineering will enable us to help shape and advance the digital world of the future. We firmly believe that we need to combine knowledge from different disciplines in order to work together to develop responsible and forward-looking solutions. This is the only way we can achieve excellent results.

Our values and the HPI spirit

Our strong HPI spirit is the driving force that helps us achieve our ambitious goals. The core values of collaboration, responsibility and excellence, which have grown over time, form the basis for our daily actions.

Grafik of HPI Values
  • COLLABORATION: We strengthen COLLABORATION through TEAM SPIRIT in our teams, through RESPECT in dealing with each other and through JOINT PROBLEM SOLVING when we encounter challenges.
  • RESPONSIBILITY: We bear RESPONSIBILITY with COURAGE and keeping an eye on the FUTURE VIABILITY of our actions and solutions. TRANSPARENCY in our processes and decisions creates the basis for this.
  • EXCELLENCE: We achieve EXCELLENCE in research and teaching, in our daily work and in our results through CREATIVE SPIRIT, our high standards of PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE and by constantly LEARNING FROM MISTAKES.


Our guiding principle is reflected in our claim: to create in-depth knowledge and design innovative IT solutions in order to responsibly shape the digital future.

Last change: 16/09/2024, Julia Porstendörfer