Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

The Annual Symposium of the HPI Research School

June 16 to June 18, 2010

University of Potsdam
Potsdam, Germany


The symposium on "Future Trends in Service-oriented Computing" (FutureSOC) 2010 is the annual symposium of the HPI Research School and is taking place for the fifth time. FutureSOC outlines new trends in the area of Service-oriented Computing and highlights recent work of select Research School members.

As the HPI Research School is an interdisciplinary undertaking of the HPI research groups, FutureSOC covers a wide range of topics concering SOC, which include but are not limited to: Cloud computing, {Software, Platform, Infrastructure}-as-a-Service, service description, discovery and composition, service deployment, platform configuration and capacity planning, monitoring, service middleware, service-oriented architectures, service management, information as a service, software as a service, service development and maintenance, novel business models for SOAs, economical implications of Web Services and SOAs, service science, mobile and peer-to-peer services, data services, quality of service, exception handling, or service reliability and security.

Excellent speakers – both from industry and academia – leaders in their respective field of research, are invited to talk about their latest projects and resulting outcomes.


Find detailed information about our speakers, their topics, and all events in general in our symposium's brochure.

Monday & Tuesday, June 14-15 2010 (Pre-Symposium)

Over the years the HPI Research School has been expanded to a state in which we are excited to welcome fellow PhDs from University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, and the Technion, Israel. In order to foster collaboration and information exchange, we organized a pre-symposium workshop, so that students from HPI, Technion, and UCT will get to know each other both on the social and the academic levels.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

10:00-10:30Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, HPI, Director
10:30-12:00Session 1 – Project Presentations
Prof. Dr. Reiner Thome, BWI, Univ. Würzburg
IBIS-Labs Vision for Business Matrix Processing
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lehner / Matthias Böhm, TU Dresden
Query Processing on Prefix Trees
Dr. Alexander Zeier, EPIC, HPI
An Architecture-Aware Compaction Process
12:00-12:15Coffee break
Doc D‘Errico, Vice President & General Manager, EMC
Current Trends in Storage
14:15-15:15Session 2 – Project Presentations
Ionut Subasu, ETH Zurich
Multicores as Platform for Distributed Databases
Dmitri Perelman, Technion, Haifa, Israel
On Maintaining Multiple Versions in Software Transactional Memory
15:15-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-16:30Session 3 – Project Presentations
Dr. Peter Tröger, OSM, HPI
Towards Dependable Multicore Computing
Dr. Harald Sack, ITS, HPI
Linked Open Data Universe
16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-19:00The HPI Future SOC Lab
Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Director, HPI & Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner, Chairman of the Advisory Board, SAP
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hüttl, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam
Vom System Erde zum System Erde-Mensch – und jede Menge Daten
19:00-20:30Welcome Reception
20:30Public Viewing: 2010 FIFA World Cup

Thursday, June 17, 2010

09:00-09:3009:00-09:30 Opening of FutureSOC-Symposium
Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, HPI, Director & Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze, HPI, Speaker of Research School
Gerhard Oswald, COO, SAP AG / Peter Lorenz, Executive Vice President, Small and Midsize Enterprises, SAP AG
The SAP Vision on Cloud Computing
Ambuj Goyal, IBM, General Manager Development and Manufacturing, Systems and Technology Group
The Future of Systems
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:30Session 1
Dr. Gilad Bracha
The Brave New World of Full Service Computing
Prof. Dr. Donald Kossmann, ETH Zurich
An Evaluation of Architectures for Transaction Processing in the Cloud

Friday, June 18, 2010

13:30-15:00Session 2
Prof. Dr. Jörg Nolte, BTU Cottbus
Virtual Memory for MultiCore
Prof. Dr. Frank Bellosa, Univ. Karlsruhe
Energy Aware Scheduling in Many-Core Systems
Dr. Fritz Schinkel, Fujitsu
Resource Virtualization in Infrastructure-as-a-Service Environments
15:00-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00Session 3
Dr. Barbara Burkhard, Capgemini sd&m
Managing Application Landscape by Means of Service Orientation
Michael Menzel, Robert Warschofsky, Ivonne Thomas, HPI
The Service Security LAB: A Model-Driven Platform to Compose and Test Services in the Cloud - IEEE Service Cup Finalists
Mohammad M. R. Chowdhury, Post-Doctoral Fellow, UNIK-Oslo, Norway
Applicability of Semantic Technologies in Ensuring Security, Privacy and Trust
17:00-17:30Coffee Break
Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner
Real-Time Enterprise Data Management
19:00-22:00Social Event