Press and Newsroom

Welcome to our newsroom! Are you looking for background information or interview partners on topics such as AI, cybersecurity or digital health? We are happy to support you. Please contact us by e-mail or register to be on our press mailing list.  

In our press area you will find your contact persons as well as press releases and news about research and events at the institute.
Press Mailing List

Contact Persons

Portrait of Head of Communication and Marketing/ Focus Communication Leon Stebe

Leon Stebe

Head of Communications and Marketing / Spokesperson

Phone: +49 331 5509-471

Portrait of Joana Bußmann, PR / Science Communication

Joana Bußmann

Press Officer / Science Communication

Phone: +49 331 5509-375

Portrait of Julia Gühlholz, PR / Science Communication

Julia Gühlholtz

Press Officer / Science Communication

Phone: +49 331 5509-1358

HPI Podcast

Get to know more about the digital world! The HPI Podcast invites experts to talk about digital developments and trends as well as the opportunities and risks of digitization.

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Last change: 17/09/2024, Julia Porstendörfer