In the field of Machine Learning & Multimedia Analysis we investigate the potentials of deep learning with energy-efficent binary neuronal networks and apply our findings in different applications, in particular to analyze videos.
In the field of innovation reserach we run research projects in the frame of the research programs with Stanford and MIT in Design Thinking resp. in Sustainability in Design and apply and continue to develop user centric application with the design thinking method.
Our former Research and development in Semantic Web and Social Media was focusing on designing, implementing, and testing new methods and techniques for acquiring content information and knowledge from the mass of data available in Internet and WWW with the focused on how to automatically detect content and semantic inside of vidoes in order to support users in searching and navigating inside of videos. Results of that research were incorporated in the huge video archive of tele-TASK recordings of university lectures. Our E-Health research was concentrated on how patient and health treatment date can be safely stored, and securely communicated, processed, and analyzed.