Welcome to the Academic Partnerships Department at HPI! Collaboration lies at the heart of excellent and impactful research. The Academic Partnerships Team facilitates meaningful research collaborations through the development and growth of HPI’s partnerships with other academic institutions, nationally and internationally. Through these collaborations we strive to increase the visibility and impact of research done at HPI, and to give our students, researchers and staff the opportunity to develop new skills and enhance their competencies through international and interdisciplinary team work.


  1. International Research Partnerships

  2. International Academic Networks 


PhD research exchange programs

Are you a PhD student at HPI and interested in an international research exchange? As part of our international research partnerships, you will have the opportunity to conduct research at renowned universities abroad.

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International Research Partnerships

International Academic Networks

ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems - is a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. ELLIS has a network of 41 research sites across Europe at world-class institutions in 14 countries, 14 ELLIS programs, and a pan-European PhD program. Since 2023 HPI, the University of Potsdam (UP) and the Center for Al in Public Health Research (ZKl-PH) comprise the ELLIS Unit Potsdam.

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SUGAR is a global network that brings together students, universities and companies for the future of innovation through a new learning experience. SUGAR network facilitates human-centered design to young minds.

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The Global Design Thinking Alliance is a network of institutions that teach, research and further develop the methods and mindsets of Design Thinking. It was founded in September 2017 during the d.confestival in Potsdam. The HPI School of Design Thinking is one of the founding members.

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Portrait of Head of Academic Partnerships Marija Petrovic

Marija Petrovic

Head of Academic Partnerships

Phone: +49 331 5509-308
Mail: marija.petrovic@hpi.de


Areas of responsibility

  • Strategic development and management of HPI academic partnerships
  • Management of PhD research exchange programs (MIT, Stanford, UCT (i.a. UCI, NYC Mount Sinai))
  • Coordination of ELLIS Unit Potsdam
Portrait of Program Manager Academic Partnerships Alina-Pfeifer

Alina Pfeifer

Program Manager Academic Partnerships

Phone: +49 151 1815-1706
Mail: alina.pfeifer@hpi.de

Areas of responsibility

  • Contact person for PhD research exchange programs (MIT, Stanford, UCT (i.a. UCI, NYC Mount Sinai))
  • Cluster coordination for academic partnerships
  • Project management academic partnership collaborations
  • Event management (e.g., PhD meetups, organization of annual PhD & professor networking events)

Last change: 07/10/2024, Mareike-Vic Schreiber