Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert

MeMäF - Improving women's health with a digitally supported care model for girls and young women with menstrual pain


  • Relieving menstrual pain - In an interview, HPI researcher Stefan Konigorski provides insights into how the joint project "MeMäF" aims to improve women's health. Read more.



Alleviating menstrual pain and identifying and treating girls and young women with an increased risk of endometriosis at an early stage - these are the goals of this project. Up to 90 percent of under 25-year-olds experience menstrual pain, which also leads to absences from school or work and therefore has a high socio-economic impact. Pronounced menstrual pain is also an early symptom of endometriosis - a complex, hormone-dependent disease in which tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus. As a result, chronic inflammatory reactions with pain occur, which can even lead to infertility. Endometriosis is often diagnosed late and then requires invasive diagnostics and treatment. In the project, 3,000 girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 receive a smartphone app (period. App). This provides information on the menstrual cycle, the cause of menstrual pain, the combination of different treatment approaches and practical instructions for self-care measures. After three months, app users with a high risk of endometriosis are identified. 220 girls and young women with this risk are given the opportunity to receive specialized care. This new care offer is provided in a special endometriosis consultation and also includes special nutritional advice and physiotherapy as well as psychological health support. The project will be funded for four years with a total of around 6.6 million euros.




Consortial partners

  • Charité University Medicine Berlin


  • DAK-Gesundheit

  • Techniker Krankenkasse

  • Vandage GmbH

  • WebMen Internet GmbH


Further Information

The project is funded by the innovation fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)

You can find the app in the Appstore and in the Playstore

FAQs can be found here