Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner

Trends and Concepts in Software Industry I

Dozent: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hasso Plattner (Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts)


Our software industry is a fast-paced and highly competitive world. Not so long ago, the terms Cloud Computing or In-Memory Data Management were not well known. To keep pace with the latest technologies, it is not enough that only software developers stay current but also businesses need to understand the bigger picture. It is important for companies to adopt latest technology trends not for technology’s sake but to improve their existing business processes, as well as to solve completely new problems and deliver experiences that were not possible before. 

This lecture focuses on two sides of the same coin when introducing technology to the business world. On the one hand, it presents latest technology trends being adopted by industry such as in-memory data management and cloud-native development. On the other hand, it exemplifies how companies adopt to it, tackle major challenges, and finally master their digital transformation. 
Please join Professor Hasso Plattner, SAP Co-founder and Chairman of the SAP Supervisory Board, together with several top-class guests, for fruitful discussions around latest trends and concepts in software industry. 

Course Structure

The lecture is an ongoing development of the previous and successful "Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry I" course and focuses even stronger on interactive discussions, latest technology trends, and learning by example from industry leaders. 

The first parts of the lecture will be conducted in a flipped classroom setting, meaning that participants have to prepare parts of the content beforehand, which will allow for more dynamic discussions about vital parts of the introduced technologies and additional hands-on sessions. 

The second part is the block week, where we will have several guided discussions and controversial questions with the aim of reflecting the content and increase your ability to judge current trends and concepts with a focus on in-memory database management, cloud-native development and latest technologies. Additional external presentations will complement the block week. 

After the lecture, you should be able to discuss and judge emerging technology trends in the context of enterprise applications and better understand companies' challenges and solutions when adopting to them. 



Teaching Materials


Further Reading

  • openHPI Course In-Memory Data Management

  • Book "A Course in In-Memory Data Management" (will be provided to enrolled students)

  • Book "The In-Memory Revolution: How SAP HANA Enables Business of the Future"

  • Book "Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Patterns for Innovation"

  • Book "Cloud Native: Using Containers, Functions, and Data to Build Next-Generation Applications"

  • Additional papers and books to be announced


Final grade consists of

  • Preparation quiz (mandatory)
  • Group work, presentation, and participation during the block week (40%)
  • Oral exam (60%)

Important Dates

  • Introduction, question answering session: April 24th, 10:00am (virtually)
  • Group Assignment: April 28th, preference survey is here
  • openHPI Course - https://open.hpi.de/courses/tuk2020
  •     - Start: April 24th
  •     - End: June 2nd
  • Block lecture: September 21st - 24th, 2020 in Lecture Hall 1
  • Exam: September 29th and 30th, 2020 in V2.16