====== Classes in Human-Computer Interaction at Hasso Plattner Institute ====== Welcome to the [[http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/baudisch/home.html|Human-Computer Interaction Lab]] at [[http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/|Hasso Plattner Institute]], led by [[http://www.patrickbaudisch.com|Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch]]. To use it [[http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/baudisch/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start&do=register|register yourself]] using your HPI user name as login and register with your HPI email address. Read the [[lab manifesto]] (and [[shop addendum]]), practice [[wiki:syntax|wiki editing]] using the wiki's preview function, then edit whatever you can make better. Here is a place to [[Share|upload and share]]. For questions regarding this wiki contact [[martin.taraz@hpi.de|Martin Taraz]]. {{open:hci-group-header-crop.jpg|}} ===== HCI Classes for Bachelor and Masters ===== See the respective pages for * 2024 Winter * [[pt1-ws2425|Introduction to Programming (PT1)]] (Bachelors) * [[bid-ws2425:start|Lecture: Building Interactive Devices]] (Bachelors) * [[projects/proposals|Project Seminars (Bachelors and Masters)]] * [[algorithmic-folding-ws2025:start|Lecture: Algorithmic Folding]] (Masters) * 2024 Summer * [[building-interactive-systems-ss2024:start|Lecture: Building Interactive Systems]] (Bachelors) * [[projects/proposals|Project Seminars (Bachelors and Masters)]] * [[hci-research-ss24|Lecture: HCI Future Interactive Technology]] (Masters) * [[Classes in previous years 2008-]] ===== Available Master theses topics ===== * very raw collection of [[projects:proposals|topics we are thinking about]] ===== Hardware Prototyping Tools ===== * [[infrastructure:ordered|Stuff we have ordered, but that has not arrived yet]] == VR & tracking == * [[infrastructure:oculi|Oculus Rifts]] VR gear to experience 360° visual feedback * [[infrastructure:optitrack|Optitrack tracking system]] allows you to track object and people in space * [[infrastructure:ios|iOS devices]] iOS devices to test mobile applications * [[infrastructure:vive|vive-tracker]] Vive Markers can do 6DoF Tracking easy and quickly == Fabrication machines == * [[infrastructure:lasercutter|Laser cutter]] allows you to make boxes, gears and many other assemblies from acrylic quickly * [[infrastructure:glowforge|Glowforge Pro laser cutter]] smaller 19.5”-width consumer-level laser cutter that can be used in enclosed rooms * [[infrastructure:laos|LaOS Open Source Laser cutter]] smaller A4 laser cutter that uses the LaOS board for real-time commands * How to build a [[infrastructure:projector-tripod|projector-tripod-setup]] from acrylic * [[infrastructure:3dprinter-ultimaker|Ultimaker 2+ & 3 Printer]] allows you to make 3D parts from different materials and is usually reliable. * [[infrastructure:ender3|Ender 3]] 3D printer. It's cheap ($200), hackable and reliable. * [[infrastructure:3DprinterMakerBot|MakerBot 3D Printer]] allows you to make 3D parts. Is Open Source and thus hackable. * [[infrastructure:3Dprinter|Dimension 3D Printer]] allows you to make 3D parts. While slower and more expensive than the laser, it can do more * [[infrastructure:3DprinterTitan1|Titan1 DLP/SLA 3D Printer]] allows you to make 3D parts. It uses liquid resin and is based on stereolithography. For high-resolution parts. * Cricut Vinyl Cutter gives you a computer controllable knife that you can use to cut out stickers, score cardboard or fabric. * [[infrastructure:millingmachine|Milling Machine]] open source 3-axis milling machine for subtractive fabrication * [[infrastructure:roboticarm|Robotic Arm]] ABB IRB 120 6-axis Robotic Arm == Touch-sensitive surfaces == * [[infrastructure:MultitoeFloor]] here is how to maintain the projector and other components * [[infrastructure:Fiberio]] here is how to setup and calibrate fiberio * [[infrastructure:surface]] here is how to maintain the Microsoft Surface * [[gadgeteer|Gadgeteer]] inventory list ===== Software Infrastructure ===== * How to run [[infrastructure:macVmOnWin7|Mac OS X on a Windows 7 machine]], allows you to develop iPhone apps on your PC * How to [[infrastructure:kinect|setup Kinect on Windows]] * How to [[infrastructure:q-laptop|access Q:/ on laptop]] at HPI or elsewhere * How to [[infrastructure:q-remote-access|access Q:/ from home]] via a SSH tunnel or VPN * How to [[infrastructure/schedule-meetings-with-outlook|schedule a meeting]] using Outlook Web Access (OWA) * How to [[edit the group web pages with Typo3]] * How to update the wiki [[infrastructure:wiki++]] * How to access [[infrastructure:score-lab|advanced compute resources]] (cluster, GPUs, RAM, ...) * [[computervision:start|Computer Vision]] allows you to extract information from video, e.g. for object detection and tracking ===== Know-how for PhD students and Guests ===== * [[infastructure: Permanent Demo list| Permanent Demo list]] * [[infastructure:application-process| Logistics to handle a lab visit/application]] * [[infastructure:cleaning list| Who is responsible for cleaning which room]] * [[infrastructure:How to setup and use Zoom for online lectures| Setting up Zoom for online lectures]] * [[infrastructure:notes-for-new-group-members| Notes for new group members]] * How to [[infrastructure:ta-area:conference-travel-organization:start|organize Conference Travel]] * [[infrastructure:taps| Compiling the Camera-Ready PDF for UIST/CHI]] * [[infrastructure:phd-thesis| How to PhD Thesis]] * [[infrastructure:ta-area:project-seminar:start|How to prepare a project seminar]] * [[phdmeeting:start|Masters/PhD Meeting]] * [[infastructure:mailing-lists| Mailing Lists used by the lab]] * How to [[infrastructure/prepare-camera-ready-pdf|prepare ACM-compliant camera-ready PDF]] using Word for Mac * [[infrastructure:alumni|alumni]] * [[superpowers|alumni superpowers explained]] * [[infrastructure:ta-area:start|Everything you need to know as a Teaching Assistant (TA)]] * [[infrastructure:recommended-classes| Recommended classes at other universities (CV, AI, Robotics)]] * [[Talks:start|Recordings of Past Invited Talks]] * [[UserStudyDates:start|where to recruit students for user studies]] * [[start:infrastructure:blindusers|how to recruit blind users for studies]] * [[latextoword:start|Converting Latex to Word]] * [[interactive-lasercutting:start|Interactive Fabrication]] * [[start:infrastructure:researchschool|researchSchool advice]] * [[start:infrastructure:lab-tours| lab tours]] * [[start:infrastructure:know-how-videos| know-how for making paper/videos]] * [[whoswho|know-how on the who is who in the HCI community (career purposes)]] * [[sketching|how to sketch ideas]] * [[infrastructure|When You Use Lab Credit Cards]] * [[infrastructure:ta-area:stats | How to do stats with JASP]] * [[infrastructure:ta-area:submittingdemos:start|When to submit demos for your accepted paper]] * [[infrastructure:ta-area:email-policy:start|How to get email responses from Prof. Baudisch within 5min]] * [[start:infrastructure:organization-products| boxes for organizing stuff that the lab uses]] ===== Old stuff, outdated ===== * [[cvmeeting:start|Computer Vision/Machine Learning Meeting 2010/11]] * [[researchschoolmeetings:start|Research School Meeting]] * [[imaginary-interfaces:start|Imaginary Interfaces]] * [[Todo]] on this wiki and typo3 {{open:img_0040_stitch-800px.jpg}} [[legal:imprint|Imprint/Impressum]] | [[legal:dataprivacy|Data Privacy/Datenschutz]]