Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

HPI supports Sustainable Development Goals

On 25 September 2015, the 193 countries of the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Development Agenda and outlined the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to indicate action areas for a sustainable future of mankind. In an era of the omnipresent effects of globalization and digitization joint measures need to be taken to support human rights, prosperity, ecologically driven development and peace for all. Hasso Plattner Institute as the leading Digital Lab of Germany commits to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and takes its part to build a better future for humanity.

SDG activities of the HPI worldwide

As a leading research and educational institution, HPI is fully committed to the realization of SDGs and, in this sense, focuses its research and teaching activities on sustainable IT. HPI stands for first-class educational opportunities on campus and on the Internet, sustainable and energy-efficient use of all IT systems, research contributions to the development of climate-friendly digital solutions, and AI applications for all areas of social and economic life. This is particulary reflected in the field of health, sustainable on-campus mobility, and the promotion of gender equality. With its focus on excellence in digital engineering research and the design thinking approach, HPI promotes the sustainable design of digital transformation. HPI is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals established worldwide through its collaborations, research projects and field offices.

The "clean-IT" initiative bundles projects with international partners from business, politics, and international organizations that promote "sustainability by design" and algorithmic efficiency in IT system development, thus helping to reduce the carbon footprint of digitization

Neuland Podcast Special: "Role of the SDGs in Digital Transformation"

During the launch of our clean-IT-initiative in Davos, a special of our podcast Neuland was created. HPI Director Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel and Ann Rosenberg, Senior Vice President and Global Head of SAP Next-Gen, discussed the "Role of the SDGs in Digital Transformation". Listen now!

HPI Supports:

Good Health and Well-being

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Affordable and Clean Energy

Decent Work and Economic Growth / Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Reducing Inequality

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Responsible Consumption and Production

Climate Action

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Partnerships for the Goals


clean-IT-initiative: Only sustainable digitalization can save the climate

In our new section clean-IT-initiative, we provide you with insights into our projects, pertinent articles and much more about green IT every month. > Go to article


HPI Launches clean-IT-initiative

HPI is committed to realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is launching its own clean-IT-initiative at the World Economic Forum in Davos on … > Go to article