Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


The international d.confestival will be taking place in Potsdam from 20 to 22 September, offering more than 40 different possibilities of experiencing innovation up close in a unique mixture of conference and festival. The event program has just been published online (www.hpi.dconfestival.net/program.html?L=1). Innovation experts from all around the world will be meeting on the Hasso Plattner Institute campus in Potsdam. A circus tent built specifically for the occasion will be the central venue at which participants can meet and exchange thoughts.

The d.confestival revolves around the innovation method of design thinking and will focus on the newest developments in management, research and education. Among others, innovation experts from Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, BMW Group, Daimler, SAP, Metro Group and Nestlé will be presenting how they implement design thinking and how this method helps to accompany fundamental changes in their companies. On top of that, various workshops will give participants the chance to get to know new elements of and approaches to design thinking and to collaborate with renowned international coaches.

The d.confestival is hosted by the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam, Europe’s first school for innovation, which was modeled after the example of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University in Palo Alto. The D-School offers the only academic training in design thinking in Germany. This year, it is celebrating its fifth year of existence.

Design thinking is a multidisciplinary, user-oriented approach that helps to develop products, services and ideas for all spheres of life. At the center of this method are users’ wishes and needs as well as user-oriented creative development processes. This perspective differentiates design thinking from many other approaches in theory and practices, which start out from the question of technical feasibility.

Further information and program details can be found online at: www.hpi.dconfestival.net/program.html?L=1

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Pictures d.confestival.