Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

The NetWeaver Platform and the Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture

Vishal Sikka, Ph.D.

Enterprise service-oriented architecture (enterprise SOA) is a blueprint for services-based, enterprise-scale business solutions that offer increased levels of adaptability, flexibility, and openness. With the SAP NetWeaver platform as its technical foundation, enterprise SOA moves IT architectures step-by-step to dramatically higher levels of adaptability ? and helps companies move closer to the vision of the real-time enterprise.

The promise of enterprise SOA is twofold: facilitating business innovation while leveraging existing resources.

Enterprise SOA elevates the design, composition, and deployment of Web services to an enterprise level to address business requirements. Enterprise services allow you to efficiently develop composite applications, which are applications that compose functionality and information from existing systems to support new business processes or scenarios. All enterprise services communicate using Web services standards, can be described in a central repository, and are created and managed by tools provided by SAP NetWeaver.

With enterprise SOA, companies have a cost-effective blueprint for composing innovative new applications by extending existing systems, while maintaining a level of flexibility that makes future process changes cost-effective.