Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner


ZIM-Nemo project INGEOS started

On 1 October, 2011, the ZIM-Nemo project "INGEOS – innovative geoinformation service through cloud computing and in-memory computing" started. In this project, new approaches for the design and development of Geo-IT-systems will be thoroughly analyzed regarding their applicability for geoinformation services and their commercial viability. Aim of this network project is to lay the foundation for further projects that will develop technological building blocks that allow for improving the partner’s existing products and services and to develop completely new ones.

Partners in this project are 3D Content Logistics (Potsdam), Software Diagnostics Technology (Potsdam), virtualcitySYSTEMS (Berlin),]init[ AG (Berlin), Synapse Information Systems(Potsdam), via.solution IT professional (Dahlewitz), and the Hasso Plattner Institute.

The project has been initialized and is managed by GEOkomm networks and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.