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CHE Ranking: Top ratings for computer science studies at HPI

Exterior view of the HPI campus in summer

This is the result of the current university ranking 2024/2025 by the CHE Center for Higher Education. According to the study program, HPI is one of Germany's top addresses in the field of computer science.

In the extensive survey, bachelor students rated various criteria for their degree program. The Digital Engineering faculty received above-average ratings in all fourteen main categories, in some cases well above the average for all universities. Among other things, the students rated the study organization, the spatial and technical equipment, and the support during their studies at the Hasso Plattner Institute in the top range. The study-related support services - such as tutorials or additional courses to lectures, the accessibility of lecturers, and the networking of students with each other - were rated as outstanding. The career orientation offers and the practical relevance of teaching were also particularly appreciated.

Prof. Tobias Friedrich, HPI Managing Director and Dean of the joint Digital Engineering Faculty of the Hasso Plattner Institute and the University of Potsdam:

"We are delighted with this result - and above all with the outstanding rating from our students. They spur us daily to continue offering a top-level computer science degree program for future generations."

The CHE University Ranking, which appears in the study guide of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit and on HeyStudium by ZEIT ONLINE, has been the most comprehensive and detailed comparison of universities in the German-speaking world for more than 25 years. Around 120,000 students were surveyed. The ranking includes students' assessments of the study conditions at their university and facts about studying, teaching, and research for more than 10,000 degree programs at German universities.

Visit to explore the detailed results.


Last change: 12/09/2024