Cinuru Research offers the cinema loyalty app Cinuru for moviegoers and based on that a data driven CRM solution for the movie industry. The Cinuru app combines the benefits of a bonus card with the possibilities of a movie app making cinema personal and digital. Data analysis enables more efficient movie marketing and direct communication between cinema and moviegoer.
Based on the latest research in recommender algorithms Cinuru can segment moviegoer taste, to provide far more precise target group segmentation than traditional approaches which are solely based on demographical data and gives the movie industry valuable insights into their customer’s preferences.
Cinuru Research is an academic spin-off from the HPI and the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. The basis for Cinuru’s algorithms was established in the master thesis about predicting movie success with recommender algorithms by HPI Alumnus Paulo Ruhrländer, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner, Dr. Matthias Uflacker and Martin Boissier. The team of five has experience in data science and app development as well as in movie production and distribution and envisions a digital future for the movie industry.