Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Lifelong Learning with Open Online Courses at openHPI and mooc.house

At its Internet educational platform openHPI.de, the Hasso Plattner Institute offers free online courses on IT topics, which are accessible to everyone. Since the beginning of openHPI in September 2012, there have been more than 450,000 enrollments from over 163,000 learners and more than 180 countries. Up to now more than 46,000 certificates have already been issued at openHPI.

Meet us at:

20.02.2018 | 13:45 - 14:15 p.m.
Product presentation 

openHPI - Interaktive Onlinekurse zu IT-Themen
Halle 13, Stand C111


22.02.2018 | 12:15 - 12:45 p.m.
Join in action

openHPI - Interaktive Onlinekurse zu IT-Themen
Halle 13, Stand C111

All online courses—so far offered in German, English and Chinese—can also be used later in the archive mode. In contrast to “traditional” lecture portals, the openHPI courses follow a fixed schedule, which involves a defined and diverse content. This includes instructional videos, texts, self-tests, regular homework, and test exercises. These offers are combined with a forum where participants can engage in a lively exchange with the teaching team and other learners. In the forum they can also clarify questions and discuss more topics. Users can obtain a qualified certificate in selected courses, which allows their achievement to be recognized at universities in the form of ECTS points.   

While many courses do not require prerequisites, there are also more specialized courses offered to deepen previous knowledge of experts. The courses directed at high school students enjoy a high level of popularity. Here, young people can get an introduction into the world of programming. 

Please find further information at: https://open.hpi.de

The openHPI and mooc.house team presents possible applications of online courses. (Source: HPI/K. Herschelmann)

openHPI - The Educational Internet Platform for IT Knowledge

mooc.house: The Platform for Your Online Courses

Under the umbrella of the HPI platform mooc.house, both companies and public institutions can conduct their own online courses on all kinds of topics for a large and unlimited audience. Personal information, communication data, and performance records never leave the secure server in Potsdam, which is protected under the Federal Data Protection Act. Since 2012, the software institute has used this server for its own Internet learning platform openHPI.

Please find further information at: https://mooc.house