Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich


Four papers accepted at GECCO 2016

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) the leading conference in the area of evolutionary computation. In 2016 it will take place in Denver, Colorado, USA, from July 20-24. This year 381 papers were submitted to 15 different tracks, and 1740 reviews assigned. Approximately 36% of papers have been accepted as full papers, with a further 32% accepted for poster presentation. Four full papers and two poster papers of our group were accepted for presentation:

  • Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Sutton, Andrew M. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016, Denver, CO, USA, July 20-24, 2016, Companion Material Proceedings ACM 2016
  • Friedrich, Tobias; Neumann, Frank; Sutton, Andrew M. Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016, Denver, CO, USA, July 20 - 24, 2016 ACM 2016
  • The Benefit of Recombinat... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Sutton, Andrew M. The Benefit of Recombination in Noisy Evolutionary SearchGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 161–162
  • Ant Colony Optimization B... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Quinzan, Francesco; Sutton, Andrew M. Ant Colony Optimization Beats Resampling on Noisy FunctionsGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 3–4
  • Escaping Local Optima wit... - Download
    Dang, Duc-Cuong; Friedrich, Tobias; Krejca, Martin S.; Kötzing, Timo; Lehre, Per Kristian; Oliveto, Pietro S.; Sudholt, Dirk; Sutton, Andrew Michael Escaping Local Optima with Diversity Mechanisms and CrossoverGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 645–652
  • Fast Building Block Assem... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S.; Nallaperuma, Samadhi; Neumann, Frank; Schirneck, Martin Fast Building Block Assembly by Majority Vote CrossoverGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 661–668
  • {EDA}s cannot be Balanced... - Download
    Friedrich, Tobias; Kötzing, Timo; Krejca, Martin S. {EDA}s cannot be Balanced and StableGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 1139–1146
  • The Right Mutation Streng... - Download
    Doerr, Benjamin; Doerr, Carola; Kötzing, Timo The Right Mutation Strength for Multi-Valued Decision VariablesGenetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2016: 1115–1122