Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle


Professor Katharina Hölzle appointed to Working Group on Innovation

New Innovation Working Group supports the 'AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation (HLPD)'

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The African and European Union Bureau members of the 'AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation (HLPD)' unanimously appointed Professor Katharina Hölzle to the newly formed 'Innovation Working Group' (INNO-WG).

The HLPD functions as a the “platform for regular exchanges on research and innovation policy and aims to formulate and implement long-term priorities to strengthen Africa-Europe cooperation on science, technology and innovation” (HLPD policy brief attached).The purpose of the Innovation Working Group is to support the HLPD by providing regular information on activities and data regarding innovation.

The scope of activities of the Innovation Working Group involves, e.g., regular exchange between key actors in Africa and Europe in AU-EU cooperation and innovation, the identification of key issues on innovation, the elaboration of further potential for AU-EU cooperation on innovation, and the development of key recommendations for the HLPD.Further information can be found in the HLPD policy brief and on its website.