Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Press Archive

Please note that most of our news and press releases are being published in German language.

Zeige: 131 - 140 von 2894


HPI bietet neues Stipendium für Studentinnen: das „Women-in-Tech Empower Pack"

Das HPI vergibt insgesamt zehn Stipendien an Studentinnen, die den Bachelor "IT-Systems Engineering" beginnen. > Go to article


"Die Solidarität sollte nicht am letzten Juni-Tag aufhören"

Im Interview erzählt HPI-Studentin Lisa Baumann von ihrer Arbeit und den Herausforderungen als … > Go to article


Europas Gipfeltreffen zur digitalen Bildung am HPI

Internationale Größen der digitalen Bildung kamen vom 14. bis 16. Juni am Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) zusammen. > Go to article


Rekordinteresse an generativer KI: 13.000 Anmeldungen zu ChatGPT-Kurs

Der Kurs "ChatGPT: Was bedeutet generative KI für unsere Gesellschaft?" startet am 14. Juni auf openHPI. > Go to article


Prof. Lothar H. Wieler gives his inaugural lecture at HPI

In his inaugural lecture at HPI, Prof. Lothar H. Wieler pleaded for more prevention in healthcare. > Go to article


Prof. Lothar H. Wieler zu Gast im HPI-Podcast „Neuland“

Im HPI-Wissenspodcast spricht Prof. Lothar H. Wieler über seine Pläne und Ziele am Digital Health Cluster. > Go to article


Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach visits HPI

At HPI, Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach learned about current research projects in the field of digital … > Go to article


Health economist Ariel Dora Stern joins HPI with Humboldt Professorship

With the support of Ariel Dora Stern, HPI aims to further strengthen its research in the field of digital health. > Go to article


Health economist Ariel Dora Stern joins HPI with Humboldt Professorship

With the support of Ariel Dora Stern, HPI aims to further strengthen its research in the field of Digital Health. > Go to article


Pride Month

Pride Month takes place around the world in June. HPI tells the stories behind the rainbow flag and its relevance for … > Go to article