Dear users,
Welcome to the social media channels of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)! We are eager to exchange ideas with you and look forward to your feedback. To ensure that the communication is fair on our channels (YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter), we ask you to treat each other with respect. Comments should always be constructive, factual and related to the topic at hand.
There is no place for:
- discrimination and defamation of others based on their origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, social status, disability, age, gender or sexual orientation;
- racist, inciting, violence-glorifying or insulting comments as well as pornographic content or content harmful to minors;
- violations of rights such as defamation as well as statements damaging to reputation and business;
- calls for violence against persons, institutions or companies as well as threats of any form;
- election and party advertising as well as commercially promotional content or spam;
- the publication of personal and person-related data of third parties (addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, photos, etc.) without their consent;
- the distribution of copyrighted content that has not been approved for distribution.
All users are responsible for the content they distribute. HPI assumes no liability for such content. We reserve the right to delete individual contributions that violate our guidelines and to report them to the platform operators in the event of serious or repeated violations. We also reserve the right to make changes and additions to this netiquette. The terms of use of the platforms also apply.
We will answer your messages as promptly as possible. Please understand that this may take a little more time, depending on the request. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to: onlineredaktion(at)
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to the dialogue with you!
The HPI Online Editorial Team