
HPI Research Schools

The HPI Research Schools for "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" and "Data Science and Engineering" are the HPI graduate schools. The branches of the graduate schools are in Cape Town and Irvine. Students enjoy a great research environment and close mentorship by professors and postdocs.

 Welcome to HPI Research School

Research School „Service-Oriented Systems Engineering“

Design and implementation of service-oriented architectures impose numerous research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, application integration and IT security.

Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.

"Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" denotes a current research topic in the field of IT-systems engineering with high potential in academic research as well as in industrial application.

Research School „Data Science and Engineering”

The increasing abundance of data in science and in industry creates many challenges and opportunities. Data science has grown to be a foundational discipline in information technology, allowing new insights from data and creating ever more intelligent applications. Simultaneously, it is becoming increasingly difficult to collect, clean and deliver the vast amounts of data and apply and maintain complex data science processes. Targeting these challenges, the discipline of data engineering has become equally foundational.

The 2019 newly established research school „Data Science and Engineering” unites top PhD students in all areas of data-driven research and technology, including scalable storage, stream processing, data cleaning, machine learning and deep learning, text processing, data visualization, digital health and more. We apply our research to many different use cases across the participating interdisciplinary research groups, joining forces whenever possible.

The Supervisors of the Research School

The professors at Hasso Plattner Institute and their research groups are the pillars of support for the HPI Research Schools. With its interdisciplinary structure, the research schools connect the research groups of Hasso Plattner Institute and provides a close and fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration.

The following research groups exist at HPI: