Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Reports and Poster

Submit your reports and posters about two weeks prior to the announced Steering Committee meeting.


New results of running projects as well as the ideas for new projects shall be presented and discussed during the HPI Future SOC Lab Day.

Running projects are requested to provide a report (3-5 pages) which addresses the following items:

  • Project idea,
  • Project Activities,
  • Used Future SOC Lab resources,
  • Results / Discussion,
  • Next steps.

Project reports will be published as HPI Technical Report with an ISBN number. Please use one of the following templates for your submission and make sure to embed all fonts and images within the PDF. We would like to ask you not only to send us the PDF file, but also the resources (LaTeX), because they are necessary during the publishing process.

Format template (Report template for technical reports of the HPI)

The report can also be created using the Overleaf platform.

(Previous report templates based on IEEE Proceedings shall no longer be used.)



Additionally a poster shall be prepared to present the project idea and (first, preliminary, or final) results. The posters will be exhibited during the HPI Future SOC Lab Day. Please use templates provided by your institution for creating the poster in size DIN A1 and in portrait format

The submission is done via our FSOC user portal: https://fsoc-web.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/portal/cfp/.