Lucas Paes de Melo

Lucas Paes de Melo is graduated in International Relations and specialized in Public Health in Brazil. In the meanwhile he volunteered for the Red Cross and the United Nations Information Center (UNIC-Rio). Afterwards he worked for five years at the Center for Global Health (CRIS-Fiocruz) as an international cooperation technician, managing technology transfer projects in the areas of public health education, disease control, primary healthcare and milk banks for African and South American countries.

In 2014 he completed his studies at Dschool and joined the Amp It Up! project to create innovative solutions for amputees in developing countries. By merging design thinking and engineering, the Global Education Team (GET) launched this initiative together with Dschool, Penn State University (USA) and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA). Now the project has grown independent and is currently developing prosthetic sockets that provide high performance at affordable prices.