Hasso-Plattner-InstitutSDG am HPI
Hasso-Plattner-InstitutDSG am HPI
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HPI Venture Builder - The Incubator for Digital Engineers

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Application Requirements

The incubation program is open for any interested tech entrepreneur, regardless of his or her academic background, founding experiences, or business idea. In order to increase the chance to participate in the program, the following requirements are nevertheless desirable.

  1. Our incubation program prioritizes teams with a validated idea. This means that your team has a pitch deck consisting of a business idea, the business model, and a proposed problem-solution fit. Teams must consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of five members.  
  2. All team members should fully commit to starting a real venture (4-day work week). They should commit to certain in-person or hybrid events and preferably work in our office space at the School of Entrepreneurship (HPI Campus II Gebäude L) to enable ecosystem effects.
  3. Teams or individuals without relation to the HPI are highly encouraged to apply. At best, however, one team member should have an HPI background. This includes HPI students, HPI PhDs, HPI alumni, D-School alumni, or E-School Alumni. We can help you to find additional team members! 

Application Instructions

The application period begins on Friday, July 28, 2023. The application period ends on October 8, 2023, at 11:59pm.

Applications are possible as a team or as an individual, with or without a business idea. After screening the applicants, we will organize informal events to help you find co-founders or/and an idea.

Our incubation program prioritizes teams with a validated idea. These teams must upload a pitch deck explaining the details about:

  1. The business idea, the business model, and a proposed problem-solution fit
  2. Initial roadmap for implementation of the business model

Please note: Every team member must submit an individual application!

Selection Process

The selection of suitable candidates and teams is carried out along four steps:

  1. After we receive your team or individual application, our team at the HPI School of Entrepreneurship will carefully review your CV and other documents provided. 
  2. A subset of the teams may then be invited to interview with us during our review phase between mid-August and mid-October. 
  3. The “steering committee” will decide on the acceptance or rejection of applicants between October 02 and October 15. 
  4. In the final step, we will inform the teams about their acceptance status by October 16 at the latest.