Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI


The Hasso Plattner Institute is headed by its institute director, Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel. There are currently eleven professors engaged in teaching and research at HPI. They are supported by lecturers and PhD-Students. HPI's teaching staff is supplemented by a chair representative.

Professors, Senior Researchers and Representatives

The institute founded by Hasso Plattner has more than 20 research groups and the HPI School of Design Thinking, each directed by a professor. In addition to professors, there are over 120 lecturers and scientific staff members working within the research groups. Nearly 40 junior researchers are employed at the four sites of the HPI Research Schools.


To meet the needs of the students and to handle central and administrative duties, nearly 80 employees work in the HPI administration.


At Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) about 800 students are enrolled in the bachelor and master degree programs CyberSecurity, Data Engineering, Digital Health und IT-Systems Engineering. During their degree program, students are also involved in the student clubs at HPI. Student interests are represented by the eight-member elected board of the student council. Additional students are currently completing their education in the innovation method of Design Thinking at the HPI School of Design Thinking.

Alumni and Guests

Moreover, HPI provides many offers to its alumni and holds talks and events featuring distinguished guests. Those whose engagement for the institute has been particularly noteworthy are honored with the distinction of HPI Fellow.