Software Engineering Processes for Self-Adaptive Systems (bibtex)
by Andersson, Jesper, Baresi, Luciano, Bencomo, Nelly, de Lemos, Rogério, Gorla, Alessandra, Inverardi, Paola and Vogel, Thomas
In this paper, we discuss how for self-adaptive systems some activities that traditionally occur at development-time are moved to run-time. Responsibilities for these activities shift from software engineers to the system itself, causing the traditional boundary between development-time and run-time to blur. As a consequence, we argue how the traditional software engineering process needs to be reconceptualized to distinguish both development-time and run-time activities, and to support designers in taking decisions on how to properly engineer such systems. Furthermore, we identify a number of challenges related to this required reconceptualization, and we propose initial ideas based on process modeling. We use the Software and Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model (SPEM) to specify which activities are meant to be performed off-line and on-line, and also the dependencies between them. The proposed models should capture information about the costs and benefits of shifting activities to run-time, since such models should support software engineers in their decisions when they are engineering self-adaptive systems.
Software Engineering Processes for Self-Adaptive Systems (Andersson, Jesper, Baresi, Luciano, Bencomo, Nelly, de Lemos, Rogério, Gorla, Alessandra, Inverardi, Paola and Vogel, Thomas), Chapter in Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II (de Lemos, Rogério, Giese, Holger, Müller, HausiA., Shaw, Mary, eds.), Springer, volume 7475, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
  AUTHOR = {Andersson, Jesper and Baresi, Luciano and Bencomo, Nelly
  and de Lemos, Rogério and Gorla, Alessandra and Inverardi, Paola and
  Vogel, Thomas},
  TITLE = {{Software Engineering Processes for Self-Adaptive Systems}},
  YEAR = {2013},
  MONTH = {January},
  BOOKTITLE = {Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II},
  VOLUME = {7475},
  PAGES = {51-75},
  EDITOR = {de Lemos, Rogério and Giese, Holger and Müller, HausiA. and
  Shaw, Mary},
  SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  URL = {},
  ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we discuss how for self-adaptive systems some
  activities that traditionally occur at development-time are moved to
  run-time. Responsibilities for these activities shift from software
  engineers to the system itself, causing the traditional boundary
  between development-time and run-time to blur. As a consequence, we
  argue how the traditional software engineering process needs to be
  reconceptualized to distinguish both development-time and run-time
  activities, and to support designers in taking decisions on how to
  properly engineer such systems. Furthermore, we identify a number
  of challenges related to this required reconceptualization, and we
  propose initial ideas based on process modeling. We use the Software
  and Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model (SPEM) to specify which
  activities are meant to be performed off-line and on-line, and also
  the dependencies between them. The proposed models should capture
  information about the costs and benefits of shifting activities to
  run-time, since such models should support software engineers in their
  decisions when they are engineering self-adaptive systems.}
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