The Fujaba Real-Time Statechart PlugIn (bibtex)
Distributed embedded real-time systems are one of the most successful application areas of the UML. However, the UML techniques for behavior modeling such as Statecharts in their current form do not support real-time as required, because of the unrealistic underlying zero-time execution assumption for side-e®ects. With Real-Time Statecharts, a related ex- tension has been developed for the Fujaba Tool Suite that overcomes these limitations by supporting a well-de¯ned real-time semantics based on Timed Automata and code synthesis which guarantees the speci¯ed timing characteris- tics. Besides the Real-Time Statecharts the paper describes the currently available tool support and the underlying prin- ciples of the code generation for the currently supported platform, Real-time Java.
The Fujaba Real-Time Statechart PlugIn (), In Proc. of the first International Fujaba Days 2003, Kassel, Germany (Giese, Holger, Zündorf, Albert, eds.), University of Paderborn, volume tr-ri-04-247, 2003.
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