Syntax and Semantics of Hybrid Components (bibtex)
by Burmester, Sven, Giese, Holger and Hirsch, Martin
Nowadays, the specification of complex systems is done in a component-based manner to obtain a well-structured design. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) became the standard for the component-based software design of non-safety-critical or non-real-time systems. In order to apply component-based UML models even for such critical, technical systems, Mechatronic UML has been created as extension of UML. To enable automatic generation of source code and to enable automatic analysis techniques like modelchecking, a formally defined semantics is required. Therefore, we define the syntax and the formal semantics of hybrid components and hybrid reconfiguration charts from the Mechatronic UML in this work.
Syntax and Semantics of Hybrid Components (Burmester, Sven, Giese, Holger and Hirsch, Martin), Technical report tr-ri-05-264, University of Paderborn, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Burmester, Sven and Giese, Holger and Hirsch, Martin},
TITLE = {{Syntax and Semantics of Hybrid Components}},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {October},
NUMBER = {tr-ri-05-264},
ADDRESS = {Paderborn, Germany},
INSTITUTION = {University of Paderborn},
URL = {},
PDF = {tr-ri-05-264.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Nowadays, the specification of complex systems is done in a component-based manner to obtain a well-structured design. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) became the standard for the component-based software design of non-safety-critical or non-real-time systems. In order to apply component-based UML models even for such critical, technical systems, Mechatronic UML has been created as extension of UML. To enable automatic generation of source code and to enable automatic analysis techniques like modelchecking, a formally defined semantics is required. Therefore, we define the syntax and the formal semantics of hybrid components and hybrid reconfiguration charts from the Mechatronic UML in this work.}
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