Hybrid UML Components for the Correct Design of Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems (bibtex)
by Burmester, Sven, Giese, Holger and Oberschelp, Oliver
Complex technical systems, such as networked mechatronic systems, can share information in the network and exploit the computational power available today to achieve an automatic improvement of the technical system performance at run-time by means of selfoptimization. To realize this vision appropriate means for the design of such systems are required. To locally support self-optimization it is not enough just to permit to alter some free parameters of the controllers. Instead, support for the correct reconfiguration of the internal structures of the controllers is required. To design correct complex networked mechatronic systems, an approach for the design and verification of the coordination between the controller structure reconfiguration and the real-time network processing is necessary. We therefore propose hybrid components and a related hybrid statechart extension for the Unified Modeling Language (UML); it is to support the design of self-optimizing mechatronic systems by allowing specification of the necessary flexible reconfiguration of the system as well as of its hybrid subsystems in a modular manner. The interface abstraction of these hybrid components further supports to check for the correct reconfiguration and enables the compositional model checking of the real-time aspects of the system.
Hybrid UML Components for the Correct Design of Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems (Burmester, Sven, Giese, Holger and Oberschelp, Oliver), Technical report tr-ri-03-246, University of Paderborn, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Burmester, Sven and Giese, Holger and Oberschelp, Oliver},
TITLE = {{Hybrid UML Components for the Correct Design of Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems}},
YEAR = {2004},
NUMBER = {tr-ri-03-246},
PAGES = {1-42},
ADDRESS = {Paderborn, Germany},
INSTITUTION = {University of Paderborn},
URL = {http://www.upb.de/cs/ag-schaefer/Veroeffentlichungen/Quellen/Papers/2004/tr-ri-03-246.pdf},
PDF = {tr-ri-03-246.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Complex technical systems, such as networked mechatronic systems, can share information in the network and exploit the computational power available today to achieve an automatic improvement of the technical system performance at run-time by means of selfoptimization. To realize this vision appropriate means for the design of such systems are required. To locally support self-optimization it is not enough just to permit to alter some free parameters of the controllers. Instead, support for the correct reconfiguration of the internal structures of the controllers is required. To design correct complex networked mechatronic systems, an approach for the design and verification of the coordination between the controller structure reconfiguration and the real-time network processing is necessary. We therefore propose hybrid components and a related hybrid statechart extension for the Unified Modeling Language (UML); it is to support the design of self-optimizing mechatronic systems by allowing specification of the necessary flexible reconfiguration of the system as well as of its hybrid subsystems in a modular manner. The interface abstraction of these hybrid components further supports to check for the correct reconfiguration and enables the compositional model checking of the real-time aspects of the system.}
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