Code Generation for Hard Real-time Systems from Real-time Statecharts (bibtex)
by Burmester, Sven, Giese, Holger and Schäfer, Wilhelm
Currently used modeling tools to specify and implement software for embedded systems do not provide adequate means to specify the necessary details to synthesize code automatically from the model definition when hard real-time constraints have to be respected by the implementation. The manual process of testing the hard real-time constraints and adjusting the model or implementation is costly and error-prone. This is also true for UML Statecharts. This paper proposes a syntactic extension and semantic definition of UML Statecharts which provides enough details to synthesize code for hard real-time systems automatically. The algorithm which partitions the model into threads and the corresponding code generation are also described in the paper and show how our approach supports automatic code synthesis.
Code Generation for Hard Real-time Systems from Real-time Statecharts (Burmester, Sven, Giese, Holger and Schäfer, Wilhelm), Technical report tr-ri-03-244, University of Paderborn, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Burmester, Sven and Giese, Holger and Sch\"{a}fer, Wilhelm},
TITLE = {{Code Generation for Hard Real-time Systems from Real-time Statecharts}},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {October},
NUMBER = {tr-ri-03-244},
PAGES = {1-15},
ADDRESS = {Paderborn, Germany},
INSTITUTION = {University of Paderborn},
URL = {[showUid]=2131&cHash=0809a63418},
ABSTRACT = {Currently used modeling tools to specify and implement software for embedded systems do not provide adequate means to specify the necessary details to synthesize code automatically from the model definition when hard real-time constraints have to be respected by the implementation. The manual process of testing the hard real-time constraints and adjusting the model or implementation is costly and error-prone. This is also true for UML Statecharts. This paper proposes a syntactic extension and semantic definition of UML Statecharts which provides enough details to synthesize code for hard real-time systems automatically. The algorithm which partitions the model into threads and the corresponding code generation are also described in the paper and show how our approach supports automatic code synthesis.}
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