Modeling approach and evaluation criteria for adaptable architectural runtime model instances (bibtex)
An architectural runtime model is a causally connected abstract representation of a system that allows monitoring the system and adapting its configuration. Since systems are often constructed to operate continuously, the corresponding runtime model instances need to be long-living and available without interruptions. An interruption occurs if a model needs to be re-instantiated with a new version of the modeling language implementation to support other kinds of information. Adaptable runtime models instances can render such interruptions unnecessary and enable changing information demands at runtime. They support multiple abstraction levels for different model parts and allow adjusting over time which details of the system and its environment are represented. This helps to focus the attention for effective and efficient decision making. In this vision paper we present the fundamental idea of a generic modeling language for adaptable architectural runtime model instances and propose requirements and quality characteristics as criteria for its evaluation.
Modeling approach and evaluation criteria for adaptable architectural runtime model instances (), In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Brand, Thomas and Giese, Holger},
TITLE = {{Modeling approach and evaluation criteria for adaptable architectural runtime model instances}},
YEAR = {2019},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS)},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/Brand.2019.Modeling_preprint.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {An architectural runtime model is a causally connected abstract representation of a system that allows monitoring the system and adapting its configuration. Since systems are often constructed to operate continuously, the corresponding runtime model instances need to be long-living and available without interruptions. An interruption occurs if a model needs to be re-instantiated with a new version of the modeling language implementation to support other kinds of information. Adaptable runtime models instances can render such interruptions unnecessary and enable changing information demands at runtime. They support multiple abstraction levels for different model parts and allow adjusting over time which details of the system and its environment are represented. This helps to focus the attention for effective and efficient decision making. In this vision paper we present the fundamental idea of a generic modeling language for adaptable architectural runtime model instances and propose requirements and quality characteristics as criteria for its evaluation.}
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