Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (bibtex)
by Burgue no, Loli, Ciccozzi, Federico, Famelis, Michalis, Kappel, Gerti, Lambers, Leen, Mosser, S'ebastien, Paige, Richard F., Pierantonio, Alfonso, Rensink, Arend, Salay, Rick, Taentzer, Gabriele, Vallecillo, Antonio and Wimmer, Manuel
Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (Burgue no, Loli, Ciccozzi, Federico, Famelis, Michalis, Kappel, Gerti, Lambers, Leen, Mosser, S'ebastien, Paige, Richard F., Pierantonio, Alfonso, Rensink, Arend, Salay, Rick, Taentzer, Gabriele, Vallecillo, Antonio and Wimmer, Manuel), In Software and Systems Modeling, volume 18, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Burgue~no, Loli and Ciccozzi, Federico and Famelis, Michalis and Kappel, Gerti and Lambers, Leen and Mosser, S'ebastien and Paige, Richard F. and Pierantonio, Alfonso and Rensink, Arend and Salay, Rick and Taentzer, Gabriele and Vallecillo, Antonio and Wimmer, Manuel},
TITLE = {{Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge}},
YEAR = {2019},
JOURNAL = {Software and Systems Modeling},
VOLUME = {18},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {3193--3205},
URL = {},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/Burgueno+19.pdf},
OPTacc_pdf = {}
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