Towards a Model Transformation Intent Catalog (bibtex)
Moussa Amrani, Juergen Dingel, Leen Lambers, Levi Lúcio, Gehan Selim, Eugene Syriani, Manuel Wimmer, "Towards a Model Transformation Intent Catalog", in Juergen Dingel, Levi Lúcio, Hans Vangheluwe, Daniel Varró, Eds., MoDELS Workshop on Analysis of Model Transformation, pp. 3-8, ACM, 2012.
We report on our ongoing effort to build a catalog of model transformation intents that describes common uses of model transformations in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and the properties they must or may possess. We present a preliminary list of intents and common properties. One intent (transformation for analysis) is described in more detail and the description is used to identify transformations with the same intent in a case study on the use of MDE techniques for the development of control software for a power window.
AUTHOR = {Amrani, Moussa and Dingel, Juergen and Lambers, Leen and Lúcio, Levi and Selim, Gehan and Syriani, Eugene and Wimmer, Manuel},
TITLE = {{Towards a Model Transformation Intent Catalog}},
YEAR = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {MoDELS Workshop on Analysis of Model Transformation},
PAGES = {3-8},
EDITOR = {Dingel, Juergen and Lúcio, Levi and Vangheluwe, Hans and Varró, Daniel},
URL = {},
OPTacc_url = {},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/DLL+12.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {We report on our ongoing effort to build a catalog of model transformation intents that describes common uses of model transformations in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and the properties they must or may possess. We present a preliminary list of intents and common properties. One intent (transformation for analysis) is described in more detail and the description is used to identify transformations with the same intent in a case study on the use of MDE techniques for the development of control software for a power window.}
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