Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems (bibtex)
by Filieri, Antonio, Maggio, Martina, Angelopoulos, Konstantinos, D'Ippolito, Nicolas, Gerostathopoulos, Ilias, Hempel, Andreas Berndt, Hoffmann, Henry, Jamshidi, Pooyan, Kalyvianaki, Evangelia, Klein, Cristian, Krikava, Filip, Misailovic, Sasa, Papadopoulos, Alessandro Vittorio, Ray, Suprio, Sharifloo, Amir M., Shevtsov, Stepan, Ujma, Mateusz and Vogel, Thomas
The pervasiveness and growing complexity of software systems is challenging software engineering to design systems that can adapt their behavior to withstand unpredictable, uncertain, and continuously changing execution environments. Control theoretical adaptation mechanisms received a growing interest in the last years for their mathematical grounding allowing formal guarantees on the behavior of the controlled systems. However, most of these mechanisms are tailored to specific applications and can hardly be generalized into a systematic design process. This paper discusses a reference control design process, from goal identification to the verification and validation of the controlled system. A taxonomy of the main control strategies is introduced, analyzing their applicability to software adaptation for both functional and non-functional goals. A brief extract on how to deal with uncertainty complements the discussion. Finally, the paper highlights a set of open challenges, both for the software engineering and the control theory research communities.
Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems (Filieri, Antonio, Maggio, Martina, Angelopoulos, Konstantinos, D'Ippolito, Nicolas, Gerostathopoulos, Ilias, Hempel, Andreas Berndt, Hoffmann, Henry, Jamshidi, Pooyan, Kalyvianaki, Evangelia, Klein, Cristian, Krikava, Filip, Misailovic, Sasa, Papadopoulos, Alessandro Vittorio, Ray, Suprio, Sharifloo, Amir M., Shevtsov, Stepan, Ujma, Mateusz and Vogel, Thomas), In ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst., volume tbd, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  AUTHOR = {Filieri, Antonio and Maggio, Martina and Angelopoulos,
  Konstantinos and D'Ippolito, Nicolas and Gerostathopoulos, Ilias
  and Hempel, Andreas Berndt and Hoffmann, Henry and Jamshidi, Pooyan
  and Kalyvianaki, Evangelia and Klein, Cristian and Krikava, Filip
  and Misailovic, Sasa and Papadopoulos, Alessandro Vittorio and Ray,
  Suprio and Sharifloo, Amir M. and Shevtsov, Stepan and Ujma, Mateusz
  and Vogel, Thomas},
  TITLE = {{Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems}},
  YEAR = {2017},
  JOURNAL = {ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst.},
  VOLUME = {tbd},
  NUMBER = {tbd},
  PAGES = {tbd},
  ABSTRACT = {The pervasiveness and growing complexity of software
  systems is challenging software engineering to design systems that
  can adapt their behavior to withstand unpredictable, uncertain, and
  continuously changing execution environments. Control theoretical
  adaptation mechanisms received a growing interest in the last years
  for their mathematical grounding allowing formal guarantees on the
  behavior of the controlled systems. However, most of these mechanisms
  are tailored to specific applications and can hardly be generalized
  into a systematic design process. This paper discusses a reference
  control design process, from goal identification to the verification
  and validation of the controlled system. A taxonomy of the main control
  strategies is introduced, analyzing their applicability to software
  adaptation for both functional and non-functional goals. A brief extract
  on how to deal with uncertainty complements the discussion. Finally,
  the paper highlights a set of open challenges, both for the software
  engineering and the control theory research communities.},
  ANNOTE = {(to appear)}
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