Modeling and Simulation of Reusable Collaborations for Embedded Systems with Dynamic Structures (bibtex)
by Gabrysiak, Gregor
In the domain of embedded systems, characteristics, such as dynamic structures and safety critical usage, call for extensive validation and verification during the whole development process. Since the absence of errors can't be proven for complex systems, the effort required for finding and fixing errors is enormous. While the reuse of thoroughly tested components would reduce this testing effort significantly, it is rarely possible due to the quite specific settings of all components. To enable reusability in this domain, this thesis proposes the introduction of Collaborations. The specification and extensive testing of the interactions between all participants of a collaboration results in an interaction scheme that is reusable across different application domains. After the foundations are presented, a model for collaborations is defined. It allows for modeling collaborations that incorporate timing constraints in their behavior. Using Story Patterns to describe the behavior, collaborations are able to cope with dynamic structures. Afterwards, the possibilities of simulating these collaboration models to validate their behavior are presented. To evaluate the concept of reusable collaborations, an implementation of a simulator capable of verifying the models of collaborations is presented. Two examples of embedded systems with mobile components are used to illustrate the reuse of a collaboration within a different application domain.
Modeling and Simulation of Reusable Collaborations for Embedded Systems with Dynamic Structures (Gabrysiak, Gregor), Master's thesis, Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik, Universität Potsdam, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Gabrysiak, Gregor},
TITLE = {{Modeling and Simulation of Reusable Collaborations for Embedded Systems with Dynamic Structures}},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = {March},
SCHOOL = {Hasso-Plattner-Institut f\"{u}r Softwaresystemtechnik, Universit\"{a}t Potsdam},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/_Masterarbeit.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {In the domain of embedded systems, characteristics, such as dynamic structures and safety critical usage, call for extensive validation and verification during the whole development process. Since the absence of errors can't be proven for complex systems, the effort required for finding and fixing errors is enormous. While the reuse of thoroughly
tested components would reduce this testing effort significantly, it is rarely possible due to the quite specific settings of all components. 
To enable reusability in this domain, this thesis proposes the introduction of Collaborations.
The specification and extensive testing of the interactions between all participants of a collaboration results in an interaction scheme that is reusable across different application domains.
After the foundations are presented, a model for collaborations is defined. It allows for modeling collaborations that incorporate timing constraints in their behavior. Using Story Patterns to describe the behavior, collaborations are able to cope with dynamic structures. Afterwards, the possibilities of simulating these collaboration models to validate their behavior are presented.
To evaluate the concept of reusable collaborations, an implementation of a simulator capable of verifying the models of collaborations is presented. Two examples of embedded systems with mobile components are used to illustrate the reuse of a collaboration within
a different application domain.}
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