Component Templates for Dependable Real-Time Systems (bibtex)
A general trend towards more complex technical systems can be observed which results in an increasing demand for methods and tools to develop dependable, high quality software for embedded systems. The UML in principle provides the essential concepts which are required to model such complex, safety-critical software systems. In this paper, we describe a component template plugin for the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite which has been especially tailored to support faulttolerance templates such as triple modular redundancy. We report about the underlying concepts and the application of the plugin by means of an example.
Component Templates for Dependable Real-Time Systems (), In Proceedings of the 2nd International Fujaba Days 2004, Darmstadt, Germany (Schürr, Andy, Zündorf, Albert, eds.), University of Paderborn, volume tr-ri-04-253, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Tichy, Matthias and Becker, Basil and Giese, Holger},
TITLE = {{Component Templates for Dependable Real-Time Systems}},
YEAR = {2004},
MONTH = {September},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Fujaba Days 2004, Darmstadt, Germany},
VOLUME = {tr-ri-04-253},
PAGES = {27-30},
EDITOR = {Sch\"{u}rr, Andy and Zündorf, Albert},
SERIES = {Technical Report},
PUBLISHER = {University of Paderborn},
URL = {},
PDF = {fdays2004-tbg.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {A general trend towards more complex technical systems can be observed which results in an increasing demand for methods and tools to develop dependable, high quality software for embedded systems. The UML in principle provides the essential concepts which are required to model such complex, safety-critical software systems. In this paper, we describe a component template plugin for the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite which has been especially tailored to support faulttolerance templates such as triple modular redundancy. We report about the underlying concepts and the application of the plugin by means of an example.}
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