Local Confluence for Rules with Nested Application Conditions based on a New Critical Pair Notion (bibtex)
by , , , ,
Local con uence is an important property in many rewriting systems. The notion of critical pairs is central for being able to verify local con uence of rewriting systems in a static way. Critical pairs are de ned already in the framework of graphs and adhesive rewriting sys- tems. These systems may hold rules with or without negative application conditions. In this paper however, we consider rules with more general application conditions | also called nested application conditions | that are known to be equivalent to nite rst-order graph conditions. The classical critical pair notion denotes con icting transformations in a minimal context satisfying the application conditions. This is no longer true for combinations of positive and negative application conditions | an important special case of nested ones | where we allow that critical pairs do not satisfy the application conditions. This leads to a new notion of critical pairs which allows to formulate and prove a Local Con uence Theorem for rules with nested application conditions in the framework of adhesive rewriting systems based on the DPO-approach. It builds on a new Embedding Theorem and Completeness Theorem for critical pairs based on rules with nested application conditions. We demonstrate this new theory on the modeling of an elevator control by a typed graph transformation system with positive and negative application conditions.
Local Confluence for Rules with Nested Application Conditions based on a New Critical Pair Notion (Leen Lambers, Hartmut Ehrig, Annegret Habel, Fernando Orejas, Ulrike Golas), Technical report 2010-7, Technische Universität Berlin, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Lambers, Leen and Ehrig, Hartmut and Habel, Annegret and Orejas, Fernando and Golas, Ulrike},
TITLE = {{Local Confluence for Rules with Nested Application Conditions based on a New Critical Pair Notion}},
YEAR = {2010},
NUMBER = {2010-7},
INSTITUTION = {Technische Universität Berlin},
URL = {http://www.eecs.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/f4/TechReports/2010/tr_2010-07.pdf},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/LEHOG10-TR.pdf},
OPTacc_pdf = {},
ABSTRACT = {Local con
uence is an important property in many rewriting
systems. The notion of critical pairs is central for being able to verify
local con
uence of rewriting systems in a static way. Critical pairs are
dened already in the framework of graphs and adhesive rewriting sys-
tems. These systems may hold rules with or without negative application
conditions. In this paper however, we consider rules with more general
application  conditions  |  also  called  nested  application  conditions  |
that  are  known  to  be  equivalent  to  nite  rst-order  graph  conditions.
The classical critical pair notion denotes con
icting transformations in a
minimal context satisfying the application conditions. This is no longer
true for combinations of positive and negative application conditions |
an important special case of nested ones | where we allow that critical
pairs do not satisfy the application conditions. This leads to a new notion
of critical pairs which allows to formulate and prove a Local Con
Theorem for rules with nested application conditions in the framework
of  adhesive  rewriting  systems  based  on  the  DPO-approach.  It  builds
on a new Embedding Theorem and Completeness Theorem for critical
pairs based on rules with nested application conditions. We demonstrate
this new theory on the modeling of an elevator control by a typed graph
transformation system with positive and negative application conditions.}
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