Modeling of Correct Self-Adaptive Systems: A Graph Transformation System Based Approach (bibtex)
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Software is always embedded in a social and technical context which change over time and therefore also the software has to be adjusted over time to preserve its value. Self-adaptive systems provide a vision how the systems can become capable of doing a large fraction of the required adaptations autonomously. In this paper we first discuss what is required to model correct self-adaptive systems. We then present the formal model of graph transformation systems which serves most of the identified needs. Based on this findings we outline how UML class and object diagrams as well as extensions for the modeling of behavior based upon graph transformation systems can be employed to model correct self-adaptive system. An application example is used to present how the approach can be employed to model self-adaptive systems at a high level of abstraction and means to ensure its correctness are discussed.
Modeling of Correct Self-Adaptive Systems: A Graph Transformation System Based Approach (Basil Becker, Holger Giese), In Proc. 5th Intl. Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST), ACM, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Becker, Basil and Giese, Holger},
TITLE = {{Modeling of Correct Self-Adaptive Systems: A Graph Transformation System Based Approach}},
YEAR = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. 5th Intl. Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSTST)},
PAGES = {508 - 516},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/BeckerGiese08c_asbs2008.pdf},
OPTacc_pdf = {},
ABSTRACT = {Software is always embedded in a social and technical context which change over time and therefore also
the software has to be adjusted over time to preserve its value. Self-adaptive systems provide a vision how
the systems can become capable of doing a large fraction of the required adaptations autonomously. In this paper we first discuss what is required to model correct self-adaptive systems. We then present the formal model of graph transformation systems which serves most of the identified needs. Based on this findings we outline how UML class and object diagrams as well as extensions for the modeling of behavior based upon graph transformation systems can be employed to model correct self-adaptive system. An application example is used to present how the approach can be employed to model self-adaptive systems at a high level of abstraction and means to ensure its correctness are discussed.}
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