Model-Driven Development of Reconfigurable Mechatronic Systems with Mechatronic UML (bibtex)
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Today, advanced technical systems are complex, reconfigurable mechatronic systems where most control and reconfiguration functionality is realized in software. A number of requirements have to be satisfied in order to apply the model-driven development approach and the UML for mechatronic systems: The UML design models must support the specification of the required hard real-time event processing. The real-time coordination in the UML models must embed the continuous control behavior in form of feedback-controllers to allow for the specification of discrete and continuous hybrid systems. Advanced solutions further require the dynamic exchange of feedback controllers at runtime (reconfiguration). Thus, a modeling of rather complex interplays between the information processing and the control is essential. Due to the safety-critical character of mechatronic systems, the resulting UML models of complex, distributed systems and their real-time behavior must be verifiable in spite of the complex structure and the embedded reconfigurable control elements. Finally, an automatic code synthesis has to map the specification correctly to code. In this paper, we will present our MECHATRONIC UML approach, which fulfills all these requirements. The approach is motivated and illustrated by means of a running example.
Model-Driven Development of Reconfigurable Mechatronic Systems with Mechatronic UML (Sven Burmester, Holger Giese, Matthias Tichy), In Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications (Uwe Assmann, Arend Rensink, Mehmet Aksit, eds.), Springer Verlag, volume 3599, 2005. ()
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Burmester, Sven and Giese, Holger and Tichy, Matthias},
TITLE = {{Model-Driven Development of Reconfigurable Mechatronic Systems with Mechatronic UML}},
YEAR = {2005},
MONTH = {August},
BOOKTITLE = {Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications},
VOLUME = {3599},
PAGES = {47-61},
EDITOR = {Assmann, Uwe and Rensink, Arend and Aksit, Mehmet},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/BGT05_MDAFA-LNCS.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {Today, advanced technical systems are complex, reconfigurable
mechatronic systems where most control and reconfiguration functionality is realized
in software. A number of requirements have to be satisfied in order to apply
the model-driven development approach and the UML for mechatronic systems:
The UML design models must support the specification of the required
hard real-time event processing. The real-time coordination in the UML models
must embed the continuous control behavior in form of feedback-controllers to
allow for the specification of discrete and continuous hybrid systems. Advanced
solutions further require the dynamic exchange of feedback controllers at runtime
(reconfiguration). Thus, a modeling of rather complex interplays between
the information processing and the control is essential. Due to the safety-critical
character of mechatronic systems, the resulting UML models of complex, distributed
systems and their real-time behavior must be verifiable in spite of the
complex structure and the embedded reconfigurable control elements. Finally, an
automatic code synthesis has to map the specification correctly to code. In this paper,
we will present our MECHATRONIC UML approach, which fulfills all these
requirements. The approach is motivated and illustrated by means of a running
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