From model transformation to incremental bidirectional model synchronization (bibtex)
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The model-driven software development paradigm requires that appropriate model transformations are applicable in different stages of the development process. The transformations have to consistently propagate changes between the different involved models and thus ensure a proper model synchronization. However, most approaches today do not fully support the requirements for model synchronization and focus only on classical one-way batch-oriented transformations. In this paper, we present our approach for an incremental model transformation which supports model synchronization. Our approach employs the visual, formal, and bidirectional transformation technique of triple graph grammars. Using this declarative specification formalism, we focus on the efficient execution of the transformation rules and how to achieve an incremental model transformation for synchronization purposes. We present an evaluation of our approach and demonstrate that due to the speedup for the incremental processing in the average case even larger models can be tackled.
From model transformation to incremental bidirectional model synchronization (Holger Giese, Robert Wagner), In Software and Systems Modeling, volume 8, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Giese, Holger and Wagner, Robert},
TITLE = {{From model transformation to incremental bidirectional model synchronization}},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = {28 March},
JOURNAL = {Software and Systems Modeling},
VOLUME = {8},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {21-43},
URL = {},
OPTacc_url = {},
ABSTRACT = {The model-driven software development paradigm requires that appropriate model transformations are applicable in different stages of the development process. The transformations have to consistently propagate changes between the different involved models and thus ensure a proper model synchronization. However, most approaches today do not fully support the requirements for model synchronization and focus only on classical one-way batch-oriented transformations. In this paper, we present our approach for an incremental model transformation which supports model synchronization. Our approach employs the visual, formal, and bidirectional transformation technique of triple graph grammars. Using this declarative specification formalism, we focus on the efficient execution of the transformation rules and how to achieve an incremental model transformation for synchronization purposes. We present an evaluation of our approach and demonstrate that due to the speedup for the incremental processing in the average case even larger models can be tackled.}
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