Object Coordination Nets – A Formalism to Describe Parallel and Distributed Methods (bibtex)
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Object Coordination Nets – A Formalism to Describe Parallel and Distributed Methods (Holger Giese, Jörg Graf, Guido Wirtz), Technical report, Universiy Münster, Computer Science, Distributed Systems Group, 1997. (TR-97-01)
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Giese, Holger and Graf, Jörg and Wirtz, Guido},
TITLE = {{Object Coordination Nets -- A Formalism to Describe Parallel and Distributed Methods}},
YEAR = {1997},
MONTH = {June},
INSTITUTION = {Universiy Münster, Computer Science, Distributed Systems Group},
NOTE = {TR-97-01}
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