Development of AUTOSAR standard documents at Carmeq GmbH: a case study (bibtex)
by , , , , , ,
This report documents the captured MDE history of Carmeq GmbH, in context of the project Evolution of MDE Settings in Practice. The goal of the project is the elicitation of MDE approaches and their evolution.
Development of AUTOSAR standard documents at Carmeq GmbH: a case study (Regina Hebig, Holger Giese, Kimon Batoulis, Philipp Langer, Armin Zamani Farahani, Gary Yao, Mychajlo Wolowyk), Technical report 92, Hasso-Plattner Institut at University of Potsdam, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Hebig, Regina and Giese, Holger and Batoulis, Kimon and Langer, Philipp and Farahani, Armin Zamani and Yao, Gary and Wolowyk, Mychajlo},
TITLE = {{Development of AUTOSAR standard documents at Carmeq GmbH: a case study}},
YEAR = {2016},
NUMBER = {92},
INSTITUTION = {Hasso-Plattner Institut at University of Potsdam},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/Hebig+2016_tbhpi92.pdf},
OPTacc_pdf = {},
ABSTRACT = {This report documents the captured MDE history of Carmeq GmbH, in context of the project Evolution of MDE Settings in Practice. The goal of the project is the elicitation of MDE approaches and their evolution.}
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