MPM4CPS: Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (bibtex)
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MPM4CPS: Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (Hans Vangheluwe, Vasco Amaral, Holger Giese, Jan Broenink, Bernhard Schaetz, Alexander Norta, Paulo Carreira, Ivan Lukovic, Tanja Mayerhofer, Manuel Wimmer, Antonio Vallecillo), In Proceedings of the STAF 2016 Project Showcases, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Vangheluwe, Hans and Amaral, Vasco and Giese, Holger and Broenink, Jan and Schaetz, Bernhard and Norta, Alexander and Carreira, Paulo and Lukovic, Ivan and Mayerhofer, Tanja and Wimmer, Manuel and Vallecillo, Antonio},
TITLE = {{MPM4CPS: Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems}},
YEAR = {2016},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the STAF 2016 Project Showcases},
PDF = {uploads/pdf/VAG+2016_staf16-projects-showcase-preproceedings.pdf}
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