Reporting about Industrial Strength Software Engineering Courses for Undergraduates (bibtex)
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How do you organize an âindustrial strengthâ one semester educational programming project for up to 200 second year students? This paper reports on four years of experience with such projects at the University of Paderborn and the University of Braunschweig. Key properties of our project design are: starting with an existing large application, regular hard deadlines with peer reviews and presentations to a large audience, working in groups, applying project and configuration management tools, a standard system architecture with interchangeable components and competing software agents, quality assurance and standard conformance testing through final overall system integration spanning all groups, and exposure to real-world project threats.
Reporting about Industrial Strength Software Engineering Courses for Undergraduates (Matthias Gehrke, Holger Giese, Ulrich A. Nickel, Jörg Niere, Matthias Tichy, Jörg P. Wadsack, Albert Zündorf), In Proc. of the $24^th$ International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Orlando, Florida, USA, ACM Press, 2002.
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