Towards Ruling Component-Based Distributed Systems with Role-Based Modeling and Cross-Cutting Aspects (bibtex)
Today component-based distributed systems and integration of beforehand isolated information system solutions is one focus of IT industry activities. Such projects are often characterized by an overwhelming complexity due to heterogeneity w.r.t. technical and conceptual aspects. Therefore, we suggest to employ advanced separation of concern techniques to reduce the complexity. Role-based modeling combined with cross-cutting aspects as two complementary approaches for advanced separation of concerns are considered. A concept for component-based distributed system design and architecture is discussed which supports both in a common framework. The approach emphasize the contract principle in form of role-based modeling. The support for secure runtime binding of contracts and explicit contexts further permit to consider the case of cross-cutt ing aspects even for dynamic binding and open systems.
Towards Ruling Component-Based Distributed Systems with Role-Based Modeling and Cross-Cutting Aspects (Holger Giese), In Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Peri Tarr, Harold Ossher, eds.), 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Giese, Holger},
TITLE = {{Towards Ruling Component-Based Distributed Systems with Role-Based Modeling and Cross-Cutting Aspects}},
YEAR = {2001},
MONTH = {May},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
EDITOR = {Tarr, Peri and Ossher, Harold},
PDF = {icse-wasc2001.pdf},
PS = {},
ABSTRACT = {Today component-based distributed systems and integration of beforehand isolated information system solutions is one focus of IT industry activities. Such projects are often characterized by an overwhelming complexity due to heterogeneity w.r.t.~technical and conceptual aspects. Therefore, we suggest to employ advanced separation of concern techniques to reduce the complexity. Role-based modeling combined with cross-cutting aspects as two complementary approaches for advanced separation of concerns are considered. A concept for component-based distributed system design and architecture is discussed which supports both in a common framework. The approach emphasize the contract principle in form of role-based modeling. The support for secure runtime binding of contracts and explicit contexts further permit to consider the case of cross-cutt ing aspects even for dynamic binding and open systems.}
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