Using UML and Object-Coordination-Nets for Workflow Specification (bibtex)
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The specification of intra- and inter-organizational workflows in a manner which scales up to complex workflows across division and company borders is a central issue for nowadays workflow modeling. The approach described in this paper integrates standard object-oriented structure modeling using UML diagrams with Petri-Net techniques for specifying behavior in order to provide an adequate support for modeling all aspects of workflows. The approach puts its emphasis on structuring and abstraction techniques to manage the size and complexity of real-life applications. A contract mechanism is used to ensure the independence of different companies and to permit the re-use of partial workflows in a manner which is secure for the offering as well as the using side.
Using UML and Object-Coordination-Nets for Workflow Specification (Guido Wirtz, Holger Giese), In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'2000), IEEE Press, volume 5, 2000.
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Wirtz, Guido and Giese, Holger},
TITLE = {{Using UML and Object-Coordination-Nets for Workflow Specification}},
YEAR = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'2000)},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {3159-3164},
PDF = {smc2000.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {The specification of intra- and inter-organizational workflows in a manner which scales up to complex workflows across division and company borders is a central issue for nowadays workflow modeling. The approach described in this paper integrates standard object-oriented structure modeling using UML diagrams with Petri-Net techniques for specifying behavior in order to provide an adequate support for modeling all aspects of workflows. The approach puts its emphasis on structuring and abstraction techniques to manage the size and complexity of real-life applications. A contract mechanism is used to ensure the independence of different companies and to permit the re-use of partial workflows in a manner which is secure for the offering as well as the using side.}
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