Carmeq GmbH – Case Study (bibtex)
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Carmeq GmbH – Case Study (Regina Hebig, Holger Giese, Kimon Batoulis, Philipp Langer, Armin Zamani Farahani, Gary Yao, Mychajlo Wolowyk, Mathias Grauer), Technical report, Hasso-Plattner Institut at University of Potsdam. (work in progress)
Bibtex Entry:
AUTHOR = {Hebig, Regina and Giese, Holger and Batoulis, Kimon and Langer, Philipp and Zamani Farahani, Armin and Yao, Gary and Wolowyk, Mychajlo and Grauer, Mathias},
TITLE = {{Carmeq GmbH -- Case Study}},
INSTITUTION = {Hasso-Plattner Institut at University of Potsdam},
NOTE = {work in progress  }
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