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Internet-Bridge: News Archive


  • 11.11.2017: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2017/18 starts today. It is the 16th time of this tele-lecture.
  • 29.03.2017: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: weakness and Targets" for WS2016/17 has been successfully carried out in the College of Computer Science at BJUT.
  • 05.11.2016: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2016/17 starts today. It is the 15th time of this tele-lecture.
  • 30.03.2016: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: weakness and Targets" for WS2015/16 has been successfully carried out in the College of Computer Science at BJUT.
  • 06.12.2015: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2015/16 starts today. It is the 14th time of this tele-lecture.
  • 01.11.2015: A new tele-TASK portal called as tele-Media has been successfully set up and is now available on the BJUT campus network. The tele-lecture for the new semester will be running on this new platform.
  • 01.06.2016: Together with Dr. Dietmar Woidke (Minister President, Brandenburg) and his delegation, Mr. Peter Rothen (Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai), Mr. LU, Xiaochun (Party Secretary, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization), as well as Mr. MA, Jing (Vice Chairman, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization), Prof. Meinel (representing HPI), Mr. WANG, Genxiang (representing UNITR - United Nations Institue for Training and Research Shanghai Training Center), and Dr. FAN, Xinjin (representing Shanghai Guofu) unveiled the first MOOC platform of UN: https://openUNE.cn
  • 25.03.2015: The oral exam of the tele-lecture "Internet Security: weakness and Targets" for WS2014/15 has been successfully carried out in the College of Computer Science at BJUT.
  • 18.12.2014: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for WS2014/15 starts today. It is the 13th time of this tele-lecture.
  • 18.02.2014: The Chinese MOOC Platform openHPI.cn is now officially being unveiled.  
  • 28.10.2013: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" switched back to the winter semester. See here for more information of the lecture in WS2013/14. It is the 12th time of this tele-lecture.
  • 17.09.2013: Prof.Meinel visited at BJUT and organized the oral exam for the participants of tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" in SS2013.
  • 25.02.2013: Prof. Meinel is granted by BJUT the "Honorary Professor" title. A ceremony followed by a scientific talk, entitled as "Web-University – Theory and Practice for Applying Advanced Knowledge Engineering Technologies in e-Learning" takes place in the afternoon at BJUT. Here are the news from HPI and BJUT.
  • 18.02.2013: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" for the SS2013 starts today. It is the 11th time of this tele-lecture. We are happy to announce all the lecture recordings will be available in parallel on tele-task.de (Germany, link) and live-show.cn (China, link).
  • 02.12.2012: www.openhpi.cn is now online available on which users, especially users from mainland China, can enjoy lightweight and instant experiences of learning on openHPI platform . Meanwhile, there is a Chinese version of openhpi.de available where all openhpi.de registered users can smoothly switch to the Chinese interface of openHPI.
  • 25.10.2012:We celebrated the 10 Years’ Anniversary of our joint Project “Internet-Bridge: Germany and China” together with Prof. Dr.GUO Guangsheng (President, BJUT) and his delegation, and many other guests.
  • 14.09.2012:  We're glad to announce that 10 Years’ Anniversary celebration of our joint Project “Internet-Bridge: Germany and China” will be held on 25.10.2012 at HPI, together with Dr. Guido WESTERWELLE (German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, confirmed), Prof. Dr.GUO Guangsheng (President, BJUT, confirmed) and many other guests.
  • 14.09.2012: Our funding application for the "2. Sino-German Workshop on Cloud based High Performance Computing" (C-HPC'12) has been approved by the Chinesisch-Deutsche Zentrum für Wissenschaftsförderung (CDZ, Sino-German Center for Science Foundation, a joint center of DFG & NSFC). The C-HPC'12 will be held on 21.-25. 10. 2012 in Potsdam, Germany.
  • 15.04.2012: From 26.03.2012 to 29.03.2012, Prof. Meinel and Dr. Feng Cheng visited several HPI partners in Beijing, China. At BJUT, Prof. Meinel conducted the oral examination for the lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Targets" in WS2011/12. There were altogether 21 BJUT master students participating the examination (16 from CS-School and 5 from Software-School). Prof. Meinel met with Prof. Yin, Baocai (Executive Dean, CS-School). Both discussed the new ideas and plans for the next step cooperation. Both decided to organize a celebration event in October at HPI for 10 years anniversary of the project "Internet-Bridge: Germany and China". On 28.03.2012, Prof. Meinel and Dr. Cheng visited at Tianjin office of Zople Cloud Computing Co.Ltd. and the Binhai high-tech district of Tianjin. Prof. Meinel, together with Dr. Fan, Xinjin (President&CEO of Zople), signed the MoU for specifying the strategic cooperation between HPI and Zople. On 29.03.2012, Prof. Meinel, Prof. Weinberg and Dr. Cheng visited at Communication University of China (CUC). Prof. Meinel and Prof. Liao, Xiangzhong (Vice President, CUC) signed the MoU for specifying the cooperation on helping animation school at CUC build design thinking program. More news an pictures can be found: ZMCloud News, CUC News (EN), MLeague News, HPI News, and HPI-ITS Photo gallery.
  • 17.11.2011: The third international branch of HPI research school was opened at Nanjing University (NJU). The research focus of this newly built research school is "Mass Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery". Prof. Jun Chen, President of NJU, Prof. Hasso Plattner, founder and professor of HPI and co-founder and chairman of supervisory board of SAP, Dr. Wolfgang Röhr, German General Consulate in Shanghai, Mr. Xiqiang Wu, Deputy director of the Jiangsu provincial office of international affairs, Prof. Gangshan Wu, head of CS Department at NJU, Prof. Meinel, President of HPI, Prof. Fangmin Song, Speaker of HPI research school at NJU, were present and gave their greeting speeches at the opening ceremony. Prof. Andreas Polze, Prof. Robert Hirschfeld, Dr. Feng Cheng and four PhD students from HPI research school in Potsdam also participated the opening ceremony. Here are the press releases: DE, EN, and CN as well as some news in the press: HPI-Portal, BMBF, idw-online, wallstreet-online, finanzen100.de, einnews, NJU-Portal, NJU-International, Jiangsu-International, PRNewswire, Baidu, Sohu, etc.
  • 16.11.2011: Prof. Christoph Meinel and Dr. Feng Cheng were invited to visit ZMCloud Co. Ltd, which a major vender of cloud services in China. Prof. Meinel accepted the invitation to be the member of the advisory committee of this company. Here are some news reports: ZMCloud, ZMCloud-Blog, ZMCloud-Advisory.
  • 15.11.2011: Prof. Christoph Meinel and Dr. Feng Cheng were invited to visit the Computer School of Engineering and Science at Shanghai University. Prof. Meinel gave a scientific talk entitled as "Trusted Cloud Computing - Visions and Challenges". Here are some news reports: SHU, SHU-Colloquium, CES.
  • 15.10.2011: The tele-lecture "Internet Security: Weakness and Target" for WS2011 start from this week. Follow it on BJUT-Vod or tele-TASK. It is the tenth time of this lecture at BJUT.
  • 22.08.2011: We just got our grant-proposal approved by DFG-NSFC center in Beijing to support the Sino-German workshop on "Cloud-based High Performance Computing" in Shanghai, Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 2011.
  • 25.06.2011: Dr. Yong Zhang from BJUT starts his 3-months scientific stay till September at HPI.
  • 09.04.2011: Onsite examination for the tele-lecture in WS2010 has been carried out today at Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). In this year, there are 25 master students taking the oral examination. See here for more information.
  • 07.04.2011: Prof. Christoph Meinel, Dr. Feng Cheng, and Sebastian Roschke visited the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) and met with Prof. Xiaoqing Tang (VP, BUAA) and many other BUAA professors. Here are some reports: EN/CN. 08.09.2010: Lectures for the winter semester 2010 is starting in this week. The recordings will be published both on the lecture series of tele-TASK and the lecture series of Video&Audio Space of Education-Online System at BJUT.
  • 15.08.2010: “1. Sino-German Forum on Digital University and High Education” in conjunction with “5. tele-TASK Symposium” will be held on September 16.-19., 2010 in Beijing, China. Please visit the workshop site for detailed information.
  • 19.04.2010: The examinations for the tele-lecture in WS2009/2010 have been successfully carried out in Beijing. Here are some photos.
  • 26.10.2009: The web page is updated today. You can find the old version here.
  • 11.09.2009: Here are links of web Pages for our lectures in WS2009: HPIBJUT, and Tele-Task.
  • 11.09.2009: Lectures for the winter semester 2009 start today. We are happy to announce all the lecture recordings will be published in parallel on the Video&Audio Space of Education-Online System at BJUT.
  • 15.07.2009: Prof. Lijuan Duan from CS-School of BJUT started today a 1.5-month scientific visit at our HPI.
  • 19.06.2009: Prof. Lichun Wang from CS-School of BJUT started today a one-month scientific visit at our HPI.
  • 15.04.2009: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Dr. Feng Cheng and Sebastian Roschke visited at BJUT in this week. They had several meeting with BJUT colleagues and students, including Prof. Yigang Zhang (Vice President), Prof. Wenying Wu (Deputy-Director, International affair), Prof. Junfei Qiao (Deputy-Director, Graduate School), Prof. Chuangbai Xiao (Deputy Director, CS School), Prof. Baocai Yin (Dirctor, Beijing Municipal Key Lab on Multimedia and Intelligence). Meanwhile, they have also visited BPUT, NS-Focus, and Bonack.
  • 08.09.2008: In the winter semester 2008, the course "Internet Weaknesses and Targets" is going on for the new students in Beijing University of Technology. The first lecture was transmitted to China on 08.09.2008. 
  • 25.04.2008: The Chinese Version of Prof. Meinel's book "WWW—Internet、Web 技术及应用" was published by Chinese publisher Science Press
  • 18-19.09.2007: Five Year's Anniversary. More information on the official celebration 
  • 17.10.2006: the course "Internet Security" was launched for the new semester in Beijing University of Technology. Nearly 100 students have selected this course, and 60 of them are required to attend this course due to Beijing Olympics 2008. On every Friday evening, the students from Beijing can attend two fresh lectures from Internet. 
  • 29.10.2002: the first lecture was launched via Internet in classroom V302 together with a warm celebration.