Package de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.calculationstrategy

Interface Summary
CalculationStrategy<T1 extends JsonValue,T2 extends JsonValue> CalculationStrategy is an interface for different strategies, that can be used within ContentBasedSimilarityFunctions for defining the behavior of the similarity calculation, if at least one value is not an atomic one.

Class Summary
ArrayConversionStrategy ArrayConversionStrategy generates a one-element JsonArray with the passed JsonAtomic value and runs the passed ContentBasedSimilarityFunction on both JsonArrays.
AverageArrayArrayStrategy Calculates the average similarity of the arrays' elements (e.g.
BestMatchCalculationStrategy BestMatchCalculationStrategy compares a JsonArray with a JsonAtomic by selecting the best match.
CrossProductStrategy CrossProductStrategy compares a each member of the first JsonArray with all elements of the second JsonArray.
IgnoreStrategy<T1 extends JsonValue,T2 extends JsonValue> IgnoreStrategy ignores the actual values and returns always the same default similarity.
NotSupportedStrategy<T1 extends JsonValue,T2 extends JsonValue> NotSupportedStrategy will throw an IllegalArgumentException no matter which values were passed.
StableMarriageStrategy StableMarriageStrategy implements the Stable-Marriage algorithm.

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