Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cleanable
de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm Contains all algorithm implementations (and interfaces) that are supported by DuDe
de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm.duplicatedetection Contains all Duplicate-Detection algorithm implementations. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm.recordlinkage Contains all Record-Linkage algorithm implementations. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.database Provides all classes that encapsulate the database abstraction layer. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource Contains all DataSources supported by DuDe
de.hpi.fgis.dude.util Provides DuDe's utility classes

Uses of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm

Subinterfaces of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm
 interface Algorithm
          Algorithm collects all the methods that are needed by each algorithm implementation.

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm that implement Cleanable
 class AbstractAlgorithm
          AbstractAlgorithm implements the functionality that is needed by each algorithm type.
 class AbstractDuplicateDetection
          AbstractDuplicateDetection provides the common functionality that is needed by every duplicate-detection algorithm.
 class AbstractRecordLinkage
          AbstractRecordLinkage provides the common functionality that is needed by every record-linkage algorithm.
 class SortingDuplicateDetection
          SortingDuplicateDetection implements the preprocessing phase were the data is sorted based on a given SortingKey.
 class SortingRecordLinkage
          SortingRecordLinkage implements the preprocessing phase were the data is sorted based on one or several SortingKeys.

Uses of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm.duplicatedetection

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm.duplicatedetection that implement Cleanable
 class AdaptiveSNM_Yan2007
          Implementation of the adative Sorted Neighborhood Methods presented by Yan
 class DuplicateCountSNM
          AdaptiveWindowSizeSNM implements the Adaptive-Window-Size Sorted-Neighborhood Method that was introduced by Oliver Wonneberg.
 class GSwoosh
          GSwoosh implements the GSwoosh duplicate detection (and merging) algorithm as described in the paper Swoosh: a generic approach for entity resolution.
 class Lego
          Lego is an iterative blocking approach.
 class NaiveBlockingAlgorithm
          NaiveBlockingAlgorithm is the naive blocking approach.
 class NaiveDuplicateDetection
          NaiveDuplicateDetection implements the naive approach of checking all possible pairs.
 class RSwoosh
          RSwoosh implements the RSwoosh duplicate detection (and merging) algorithm as described in the paper Swoosh: a generic approach for entity resolution.
 class SortedBlocks
          SortedBlocks combines blocking and the SNM method.
 class SortedNeighborhoodMethod
          SortedNeighborhoodMethod is a simple Sorted-Neighborhood Method implementation without allowing multiple runs.

Uses of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm.recordlinkage

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm.recordlinkage that implement Cleanable
 class NaiveRecordLinkage
           NaiveRecordLinkage implements the naive approach for record-linkage.

Uses of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.database

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.database that implement Cleanable
 class DatabaseSource
          DatabaseSource represents databases.

Uses of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource

Subinterfaces of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource
 interface DataSource
          DataSource is used for extracting data out of different data sources.

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource that implement Cleanable
 class AbstractDataSource<S extends AbstractDataSource<S>>
          AbstractDataSource provides the common functionality of all DataSource classes.
 class BibtexSource
          BibtexSource represents *.bib files containing BibTeX syntax.
 class CSVSource
          CSVSource represents *.csv files.
 class DuDeObjectSource
          DuDeObjectSource is an in-memory DataSource.
 class JSONSource
          JSONSource represents files containing Json syntax.
 class XMLSource
          XMLSource represents *.xml files.

Uses of Cleanable in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util that implement Cleanable
 class AbstractCleanable
          AbstractCleanable is implemented by classes that collect Closeable instances that shall be closed at the end of a process.

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util with parameters of type Cleanable
 void Cleanable.registerCleanable(Cleanable cleanableResource)
          Registers a Cleanable instance.
 void AbstractCleanable.registerCleanable(Cleanable cleanableResource)

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